The Willi Fox COVID-19 Antigen Test allows to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus from approximately the second day after getting sick from COVID-19.
The Willi Fox COVID-19 Antigen Saliva Rapid Test eliminates the need for the sometimes uncomfortable nasopharyngeal swab.
The SARS-CoV-2 Easy Antigen Test using a nasal swab.
The Willi Fox COVID-19 IgM/IgG rapid test provides information about acute SARS-CoV-19 infection (IgM), survived infection (IgG) as well as neutralizing antibodies (IgG) after a complete vaccination.
The Willi Fox Lyme-Borreliosis rapid test detects in a few minutes the specific IgM and IgG antibodies of a possible Lyme-Borreliosis infection.
The Willi Fox Strep A Test can detected reliably and quickly a Streptococcus A infection, which is particularly common to children.
The Willi Fox Mononucleosis Test detects quickly heterophile antibodies of mononucleosis infections (Epstein-Barr virus).
The Willi Fox Influenza A+B Rapid Test Easy can detect quickly and reliably the most common influenza viruses.
The Willi Fox Norovirus GGI+GGII rapid test can detect the presence of the virus in faeces samples.
The Willi Fox Helicobacter pylori blood test can detect quickly and reliably the specific IgM and IgG antibodies of a Helicobacter pylori infections in whole blood, plasma or serum.
The Willi Fox Helicobacter pylori AG faeces test can be used to detect acute Helicobacter pylori infections and therefore effectively check whether a therapy is successful.
In contrast to conventional CRP tests with the Willi Fox Procalcitonin rapid test you are better able to distinguish a bacterial from a viral infection.
The Willi Fox RSV Antigen Test can detect an RSV infection by nasal swab, nasopharyngeal swab or nasal aspiration.
The Willi Fox Rota/Adenovirus Combo Test can detect quickly and reliably infections of Rota and Adenoviruses in faeces samples.
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